I believe financial freedom is within your reach.

- Liz Griffiths

Meet Liz Griffiths, CFP®

Hello, I'm Liz Griffiths, the founder and driving force behind Intera Financial Planners.

I firmly believe that financial security and freedom aren't just for the affluent or the lucky few; they're within the grasp of anyone willing to take the right steps. With a tailored, empathetic approach, I've witnessed how thorough financial planning can transform lives, provide peace of mind, and unlock doors to previously unimaginable possibilities.

I’ve built my reputation over a lifetime of work on trust, high moral standards, and a strong spiritual core.  I have the ability to listen, comprehend, and provide highly personalized solutions to any problem. Most importantly, I bring experience and wisdom to the table, and I love helping and guiding my clients as they journey through life.

Personally, I love easy-to-understand explanations, so I make it a point to communicate financial concepts to my clients in clear and plain language.

If you’re looking for a financial advocate with these qualities, I’d love to hear from you and discuss your unique financial circumstances and needs.

Liz Griffiths, a recognized holistic financial planner, and esteemed member of the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners, dedicated to comprehensive and empathetic widow financial planning

Kind words from my clients.

Nothing makes me happier than when my work results in client reflections like these.

“I truly believe that now more than ever, people come into your life for a reason. There will be a time when I look back and think of when my life truly changed and I will think of you.”

“You always go the extra mile, and I appreciate it. I also appreciate all the guidance and reassurance that you provide.”

“I truly don’t know what we would do without your constant assistance... our continual guardian angel”. 

We put a personal touch on comprehensive financial planning.

Personal experiences sparked my passion for financial planning.

I watched bright, hardworking people around me struggle with financial uncertainties, despite their triumphs in their careers. It became apparent that even those who seem to have it all can feel overwhelmed when trying to decipher the complex financial world. This disparity stirred me to action, leading me to create Intera – derived from the words "whole" and "complete", encapsulating my promise to you.

I'm the right guide for your financial journey.

As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) professional, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your financial planning needs. But beyond the credentials, my philosophy of placing you at the center of everything I do sets me apart. Your goals, dreams, and unique financial circumstances are the compass guiding the customized financial roadmap we'll create together.

Your path to a better financial future begins here.

My ultimate goal at Intera is to help you achieve the financial independence and peace of mind you seek. I want you to feel the confidence that comes from knowing your financial future is secure, the relief of having a clear path to follow, and the joy of watching your financial goals become a reality.

So, if you're ready to move from financial stress to financial success, and experience the tranquility, empowerment, and anticipation that comes with a well-executed financial plan, I invite you to join me.

Don't let uncertainty control your future.

A lack of financial planning can lead to increased stress, missed opportunities, and potential future instability. We can help you avoid these pitfalls and…

✓ gain clarity and confidence in your financial decisions,
✓ cultivate a long-term growth strategy for your wealth, and
✓ experience the serenity that comes from knowing your financial future is secure.